Sunday, August 22, 2010

9th Week

It’s hard to believe that we are already at the end of week 9. Time does fly. No wonder I’m getting older! 
My project is done and delivered. It was nice doing it. Something different that really makes us think ahead… Peer review was interesting and I thank Camelia for her thoughtful comment and great help.
I once read somewhere that everyone learns, but not all at the same time and not all the same way. And that’s a fact. I had already heard and read a few things on multiple intelligences and learning styles, so this week’s readings were not new for me. Still, it was nice to read them and thinking about how technology can help me cope with the multiple learning styles I have to deal with every single day. WebQuests for the active ones, PowerPoint presentations for the visual ones…

As Victor wrote “One thing is clear: technology is here to stay and we are all going to put it to good use. One way or another.” Technology can be very helpful when it comes to address all different learning styles and multiple intelligences we can have in a classroom, but as I have stressed in one of my posts it is not a solution by itself, only an aid. It all depends on the teacher. On the teacher’s attitude and on the way s/he uses that same technology.
Have a nice week,


  1. Dear Elsa,

    First, I appreciate your passing by and leaving a sweet comment on my last week blogpost.

    Sure, time does fly and particularly if it is spent in the company of such a wonderful group of classmates. And quite contrary to what you think, this learning experience, I believe, has a rejuvenating effect. Throughout this course, I've had the feeling I'm growing "young" and sure you are ;-) After all, you're " a teacher who just can't get any satisfaction from old 'talk' and 'chalk' "!!

    Technology, as you rightly said, cannot be a solution by itself. It's no more than a tool. Shakespeare once said,
    " There's nothing good, nothing bad
    It's only the thinking which makes it so"
    Likewise, through a teacher's use or mis-use, technology could do wonders as well as cause educational calamities in our classrooms.


  2. Dear Elsa,

    I agree with you, time has passed so quickly but is because we have spent it in the company of this excellent group of classmates and we have learned a lot of new things. Furthermore, through this course I have learned a lot of new technologies that really will help with my English classes.
    As you say technology cannot be a solution by itself. It's no more than a tool. But I consider that is a very important tool to improve the English teaching-learning process. By using these kinds of technologies the students will be more active and motivated.


